GraphQL vs. REST: The Ongoing API Debate for 2024

| Author: Abdullah Ahmed | Category: API Development and Integration

GraphQL vs. REST: The Ongoing API Debate for 2024

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the backbone of modern web and mobile applications. Whether it’s enabling communication between different software components or allowing external applications to interact with a system, APIs are crucial. Over the years, two dominant architectural styles have emerged for building APIs—REST (Representational State Transfer) and GraphQL. These two paradigms have significantly shaped the way developers interact with data and services. As we move into 2024, the debate surrounding REST vs. GraphQL remains as heated as ever, with both sides presenting compelling arguments. In this blog, we will explore the history and comparison of REST and GraphQL, weigh their advantages and disadvantages, examine their current status in development, and delve into the ongoing API debate in 2024.

A Brief History and Comparison

The Birth of REST

REST was first introduced by Roy Fielding in his PhD dissertation in 2000. It was a response to the growing complexity of traditional web services, which were often built using XML-based protocols like SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). REST, in contrast, was designed to be simple, scalable, and stateless. By leveraging the principles of the web, including its familiar HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), REST became a widely adopted standard for building APIs. It was embraced because of its simplicity and alignment with the web’s core architecture, making it easier for developers to understand and implement.

In a RESTful API, each resource is exposed via a unique URL, and different HTTP methods are used to retrieve, create, update, or delete data. For example, a REST API for a book catalog might expose a URL like /books/123, where 123 is the ID of the book, and using a GET request retrieves the book details.

REST became the de facto standard for building web APIs, and for years, it was the go-to solution for most developers and organizations.

The Rise of GraphQL

In 2015, Facebook introduced GraphQL as a more flexible and efficient alternative to REST. At its core, GraphQL is a query language that allows clients to request only the data they need. This was a significant departure from REST, where APIs typically return fixed data structures, often leading to over-fetching (retrieving more data than needed) or under-fetching (retrieving less data than needed, requiring additional requests).

GraphQL addresses these issues by allowing clients to define the shape of the response. Instead of multiple endpoints for different resources, a GraphQL API exposes a single endpoint, and clients send queries to that endpoint specifying exactly what data they want. This allows for more granular control over the API responses and can lead to more efficient data retrieval.

For example, a GraphQL query for a book catalog could request specific fields like the title and author of a book, while omitting other fields like the publisher or price. This level of control made GraphQL attractive to developers building complex applications where data efficiency was critical, such as mobile apps with limited bandwidth.

How One Weighs Over Another and Vice Versa

REST: The Strengths

  • Simplicity and Familiarity
    REST is built on top of HTTP, making it intuitive for developers who are already familiar with the web. The concept of resources and standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) is easy to understand and implement.
  • Statelessness
    REST's stateless nature means that each request contains all the information needed to process it. This leads to scalability, as servers don’t need to maintain session state between requests.
  • Caching
    REST APIs can leverage HTTP caching mechanisms (e.g., ETag, Last-Modified) to improve performance. Clients can cache responses, reducing the need for repeated server requests for the same data.
  • Standardization
    REST follows a set of conventions that have become widely accepted, making it easy for developers to adopt across different platforms and services. REST APIs are well-supported across various programming languages and frameworks.

GraphQL: The Strengths

  • Flexibility and Efficiency
    One of GraphQL’s biggest advantages is its flexibility. Clients can request exactly the data they need, avoiding both over-fetching and under-fetching. This is particularly beneficial for mobile applications, where bandwidth and performance are critical.
  • Single Endpoint
    Unlike REST, which requires separate endpoints for different resources, GraphQL uses a single endpoint to handle all requests. This simplifies API design and makes it easier to manage complex data relationships.
  • Strongly Typed Schema
    GraphQL uses a strongly typed schema to define the structure of the API, which helps in validating queries and ensuring that clients only request valid fields. This can lead to better error handling and more predictable results.
  • Real-time Data with Subscriptions
    GraphQL supports subscriptions, allowing clients to receive real-time updates when data changes. This makes it an attractive option for applications that require real-time functionality, such as chat apps, stock tickers, or collaborative tools.

REST: The Weaknesses

  • Over-fetching and Under-fetching
    One of the main criticisms of REST is the issue of over-fetching, where APIs return more data than necessary, and under-fetching, where multiple requests are needed to get the required data. For example, retrieving a user’s profile and their recent posts might require two separate REST requests.
  • Multiple Endpoints
    As APIs grow more complex, the number of endpoints in a REST API can increase significantly, making it harder to manage. Developers may need to maintain and document a large number of endpoints, each serving different purposes.
  • Limited Flexibility
    REST’s fixed structure can be limiting in scenarios where the client’s data needs evolve. Adding new fields or modifying existing ones can require creating new versions of the API or breaking backward compatibility.

GraphQL: The Weaknesses

  • Complexity in Implementation
    While GraphQL provides more flexibility to clients, it can be more complex to implement on the server side. Building and maintaining the schema requires more effort, and designing efficient resolvers (functions that retrieve the data for a query) can be challenging.
  • Overhead and Learning Curve
    GraphQL introduces additional overhead because it requires developers to write queries instead of simply hitting endpoints with HTTP requests. For teams familiar with REST, this can involve a steeper learning curve.
  • Caching Challenges
    Caching in GraphQL is more complicated compared to REST because of the dynamic nature of the queries. While tools like Apollo Client provide some caching mechanisms, they are not as straightforward as HTTP-based caching in REST.

Current Status of Development with Examples

REST in 2024

REST remains the most commonly used architecture for building APIs. It is the backbone of many web services, including major platforms like Twitter, Amazon, and GitHub. One of the reasons for its continued popularity is the wide array of tools, libraries, and frameworks that support REST, making it a solid choice for enterprise-level applications.

For example, GitHub’s REST API continues to be widely used by developers for interacting with repositories, issues, and other platform features. REST’s stability and predictability make it an excellent choice for applications that require standardization and widespread compatibility.

GraphQL in 2024

GraphQL’s adoption has grown significantly since its introduction in 2015. In 2024, it has become the go-to solution for applications that require high performance and data efficiency. Companies like Facebook, Shopify, and GitHub have all implemented GraphQL APIs to provide more flexible and efficient data fetching.

For instance, GitHub’s GraphQL API has become a popular choice for developers who want to query only the data they need, reducing the number of requests and improving performance. In the e-commerce space, Shopify’s GraphQL API enables developers to build more dynamic and responsive storefronts, where only the necessary product data is retrieved.

One trend to watch in 2024 is the rise of hybrid APIs, where companies offer both REST and GraphQL APIs. This allows developers to choose the right tool for the job, depending on the complexity of the data retrieval and the application’s performance requirements.

The Ongoing API Debate for 2024: GraphQL vs. REST

Performance and Efficiency

GraphQL is often hailed as the more efficient option because of its ability to fetch only the data that is needed. However, REST can still be optimized with techniques like pagination, filtering, and partial responses. In performance-critical applications, developers must weigh the complexity of implementing GraphQL against the simplicity of REST.

Flexibility vs. Simplicity

For applications with highly dynamic data needs, GraphQL provides unparalleled flexibility. However, this comes at the cost of increased complexity on the server side. REST, on the other hand, is simpler to implement and maintain, making it a better choice for smaller projects or teams with limited resources.

Developer Experience

The developer experience is a key factor in the ongoing debate. GraphQL provides a more interactive and exploratory development experience with tools like GraphiQL, where developers can test queries and see real-time responses. REST, while simpler, often requires more effort to document and version properly.


Security is another major factor in the debate. While both REST and GraphQL can be secure, GraphQL’s dynamic nature can introduce more complexity when it comes to securing data.